Call for Workshop Proposals


The deadline for workshop proposals has passed, and two workshops have been accepted:

There is an open call for papers for these workshops, and the paper submission deadline is August 27, 2018. For more information on submitting a paper to these workshops, please visit our Call for Workshop Papers page.

Workshops are mini-venues, each focusing on one state-of-the-art research direction within the multimedia field. Workshop papers will supplement the main-program papers and be included in the proceedings of MMM 2019. Workshops may include invited talks, invited and regular papers, and panels.

Workshop proposals must be submitted by email to using subject “MMM2019 Workshop Proposal” by 15/05/2018. Proposals will be evaluated based on the relevance to MMM, qualification(s) of the organizer(s) and the quality and community interest of the topic/proposed potential papers.

Workshop Proposal Requirements

Normally, each workshop will include more than five papers and at least one invited talk or panel. In order to ensure the high quality of the papers, all papers submitted to a workshop will need to be peer-reviewed through a strict review process (3 independent reviews per paper), similarly to the main conference papers. Workshop papers must follow the same guidelines as regular research papers.

The review process will be coordinated by the workshop proposers / organizers. The organizers of each workshop must provide a list of PC members, make review assignments, and ensure that each submission will receive 3 independent reviews. Decisions on acceptance / rejection will be made by the workshop organizers and final approval of these decisions will be made by the MMM 2019 PC chairs.

Please include the following information in your proposal:

  • – Title of the proposed workshop.
  • – Name, affiliation, brief biography and contact information for each of the organizers.
  • – A workshop abstract including significance justification, workshop history (if not the first edition of the workshop), and a brief overview of the state-of-the-art of the proposed workshop topic.
  • – List of invited papers, if applicable, including for each paper: tentative title, author list, and preferably a short abstract.
  • – List of other sessions within the workshop program (e.g. invited talks, panels), with names of speakers if applicable / already known.
  • – Proposal for arrangement of the reviews from workshop organizers (tentative list of workshop PC members).